Myanmar Trekking & motorbike tours with Thura in Kyaukme - Myanmar travel blogs
Trekking in Myanmar tours
Myanmar travel blogs
The tour insights
The Shan state is an area to the far east of Myanmar. Bordering China to the north, Laos to the east, and Thailand to the south, the Shan state covers almost a quarter of the total area of Burma. Known for it’s rugged beauty, untouched wilderness, distinctly rural vibes, and the...
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I did a three day trek in the Shan hill tribes of Myanmar and it has been one of most different and authentic experiences of my life. I find myself processing it still.....
For 3 days the only other tourist we saw was one guy, Eric, who was travelling with us. From massive valleys filled with tea bushes, to villages above the clouds and.....
Myanmar ist bekannt für seine Wanderrouten. Vor allem in Hsipaw und Kalaw werden täglich Trekking-Touren angeboten. Wir aber wanderten fernab von jeglichen Touristen durch die Berge von Kyaukme. Ein Reisebericht von den intensivsten Tagen unserer Reise – und ein kleiner Geheimtipp, wenn es um Trekking Myanmar geht.....
Kyaukme was a bit of a lucky accident: originally, we planned on heading to Hsipaw to do some hiking in the mountains. Then.....
I went on a 3 day trek/motorcycle ride with a group from Germany, Singapore, Belgium and Holland led by our amazing guide, Thura. It was a very.....
Après avoir fait connaissance de notre guide, Thura, nous voici aux guidons de nos motos. Notre groupe était composé de 8 personnes, 3 Donald's , 2 schnitzels, 1 Bière Guinness et nous ( à vous de deviner les nationalités). Nous étions les seuls francophones.....
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FOR a taste of rural Burma and the opportunity to enjoy homestays in villages along the way, head to Shan State in the country’s northeast. With rolling hills, few roads and welcoming locals.....
Waking early in the communal room of the homestay in which we’d spent the night, it took us a moment to recall exactly where we were. Dawn was breaking over a magnificent scene of jungle, mountains and countryside and
We met up with Thura, a man with far fewer years on his face than what we expected.We navigated mostly roads at first, dodging tractors and waving at smiling locals. A couple of dirt roads – including a water-logged one that.....
Matkamiseks olime varem suhelnud Kyaukmes baseeruva giidi Thuraga ( ning broneerinud 3-päevase matka, mille jooksul liigutakse nii jalgsi kui mootorratastega ning lisaks looduses liikumisele külastatakse mägikülades elavaid vähemusrahvaid.
Estranha sensação esta de estar numa remota povoação onde as colinas e as sinuosas e íngremes estradas de terra batida criam uma barreira com o mundo moderno. Uma sensação de isolamento que é intensificada com o cair da noite, onde um manto de escuridão envolve a aldeia,
Holder du deg fast? Thura snur hodet fort bakover med et smil på leppene. Jeg klamrer meg fast for harde livet, og ler som svar tilbake. Vi sitter på en semiautomatisk motorsykkel opp en svingete grusvei inn i fjellene av Shan-riket i Burma.
I torsdags hoppde vi på en buss från Mandalay till Kyaukme där vi skulle gå på en tre dagars trekking uppe i bergen med två övernattningar i olika byar. Vi var ett stort gäng på nio personer plus två guider. På bilden här ser ni Thura (vår guide) längst bak till vänster, sedan Didrik (norsk), Nicky, jag, Cecilia (dansk), Rick (US), Hannes (tysk), Jett (US) och framför oss sitter Elise (norsk) och Will (US)...
Après de longues hésitations, nous décidons de nous rendre à Kyaukme, moins touristique que Hsipaw, d’autant plus que nous trouvons un guide indépendant parlant le Français auquel nous envoyons un mail le matin du départ. Nous nous rendons en tuk-tuk à la station de train pour rallier le village de Kyaukme.
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Départ de Kyaukmé par la route, mais bien vite, c’est la piste caillouteuse et poussiéreuse où je suis secouée dans tous les sens. Je me cramponne! Le paysage montagneux est magnifique.
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Depuis Mandalay, notre bus prend la direction du Nord-Est et de l'altitude sur des routes de montagnes impressionnantes. Nous respirons enfin de l'air "pur" dans le gros village de Kyaukme et
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Los trekkings más conocidos en Myanmar son los que se hacen desde Kalaw al lago Inle y los de la zona de Hsipaw, como nos daba pereza hacer uno con multitud de gente empezamos a buscar alternativas por internet y encontramos la opción de hacer Moto Trekking en Kyaukme, la zona norte del estado Shan. Contactamos con Thura
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